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Course One, Lesson One

Navigating the Dashboard

Explore each tab of the Dashboard and understand the data featured there.

The videos below will help you understand each tab or section of the dashboard — what data and insights you’ll find and where it comes from. There are suggested reading links and additional resources below to help you on your journey.

Part One: Overview Screen

After watching this video, you should feel comfortable navigating the Overview screen and customizing the columns/metrics.

Read more about Customizing Your Overview

Part Two: Posts & Pages

Make sure that you understand how to change the data by using the calendar, metric and context filters.

Read more about the Posts/Pages tab

Part Three: Authors, Sections & Tags

These tabs are driven by the metadata collected from your site that powers It’s important to have consistent and organized metadata to gather in-depth insights.

Read more about Authors, Sections, and Tags

Part Four: Referrers & Campaigns

To understand where traffic is coming from and how it affects content performance, you’ll want to understand how to use the referring site and campaign tabs.

Read more about Referrers and Campaigns 

A quick recap of what you learned:

  • What you’ll find on the Overview Screen and how to optimize it to monitor your KPIs at a glance.
  • How to navigate to key sections of the dashboard and what information you’ll find there.
  • Understanding metadata and how it powers your dashboard.
  • How to manipulate data to find what you’re looking for by using the calendar tools, metric selector and contextual filters.

Use the Help Doc links and the additional resources below for more information on Navigating the Dashboard.

When you’re ready, click the button to continue on to Lesson Two where you’ll learn how to locate specific content and information in the dashboard.

Additional Resources

Last updated: May 24, 2024