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Account 👤

There are many potential items available within the Account menu. Your view will look different based on your permissions. The potential options are:

  • Theme: Choose between light, dark, or system settings sync.
  • Users: the user management page is where admins can invite other users.
  • Alerts: see a list of active alerts and review your alert history.
  • Shared Links: see a list of Dashboard links that you’ve shared with people who don’t have accounts.
  • Preferences: this is where admins can customize default settings for their sites’ dashboards.
  • Overlay: this page provides a drag-and-drop link to enable the Overlay feature in your browser.
  • API Settings: this is where admins can view the following information:
    • Site ID
    • API Secret (if purchased). If not purchased, you will not see this field.
    • Conversions API Secret (if purchased). If not purchased, you will not see this field.
    • Recrawl Post: a field where you can recrawl a single URL.
    • A Recrawl API Endpoint (no purchase necessary). The secret in this field is not your API Secret.
  • Billing: the place to monitor statistics relevant to your contract like visitors, views, and users.
  • Usage: monitor how many active users they have, how frequently they visit Dash, run reports, and more.
  • Goals: this is where you can create and monitor your goals.
  • Account Settings: this is where you can change your password.
  • Log out: use this link to securely log out of your account. Sometimes we recommend logging out as a troubleshooting measure.
Account menu options within the Dashboard.

Last updated: November 06, 2023