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Course One, Lesson Two

How to Find Information in

Learn how and where to find performance metrics and information on key content pieces.

Now that you know how to navigate around the Dashboard, explore the videos below to find out more about how to locate specific content. Learn more in the suggested links and additional resources.

Part One: Locating a Specific Post/Page

After finishing, you’ll understand how to locate a specific story or piece of content by leveraging the bookmarklet, search function or filters.

Read more about finding statistics for the page you’re viewing on your site.

Part Two: Finding Types of Content

Before moving forward, ensure that you feel comfortable using the section, tag, author and path filters.

Learn more about using Dashboard filters to focus your data.

Part Three: Navigating Date Controls

In order to find recent articles or content from a specific time frame, you’ll use the visual date controls and/or the publish date filter.

Part Four: How to Identify Referral Sources

To understand where traffic is coming from and how it affects content performance, you’ll want to understand how to use the referring site and campaign tabs.

Read more about Referrers and Campaigns in the Help Docs

A quick recap of what you learned:

  • What the Chrome bookmarklet is, how to install it, and how to use it.
  • How to use a variety of tools to locate the specific data you’re looking for.

Use the Help Doc links and the additional resources below for more information on Navigating the Dashboard.

When you’re ready, click the button to continue on to Lesson Three where you’ll learn several ways to share data with teammates and encourage alignment.

Additional Resources

Last updated: May 24, 2024