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Personalize email reports has a lot of information and, in larger organizations, much of that information may not pertain to you. But that doesn’t mean that you have to spend time sifting through all the data whenever you want an insight. This guide will show you that you can personalize email reports to present the information you need.

With every post that you publish, we’re collecting metadata that you can use to filter for your needs. The author name is the most obvious metadata that’s relevant to personalizing your email reports. However, you may also be responsible for a section, tag, campaign, conversion label, or audience segment. We can create personalized reports with those aspects too.

Our Stats Over Time reports give a simple breakdown of your traffic metrics in a given period—for example, week-by-week over the past three months. Whereas the Details reports let you isolate a particular time frame to pull more granular performance data on things like engaged time, social referrals, and returning visitors.

Create one-time reports or schedule a recurring report to be delivered daily, weekly or monthly to your inbox. That way, you can stay tuned into audience engagement data without even logging in.

The report wizard in the Dashboard. This view shows how one can personalize an email report for delivery to their inbox on a monthly basis.

If you need additional ideas or assistance with how to personalize email reports, contact your Relationship Manager.

Last updated: June 03, 2024