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Reports: Finding Evergreen Content and Evergreen Candidates

Typically online articles have a three-day lifespan. “Evergreen content” refers to posts that extend beyond this cycle. This means the article is attracting readers, often on its own through search or referral links.

Evergreen insights in reports

The Evergreen Overview report shows an overview of evergreen content performance, compares it to site-wide performance, and lists the top new and existing evergreen posts.

The Top Listings report can be filtered to show posts that are evergreen (>20 days old) or candidates for becoming evergreen (8-20 days old).

To generate a Top Listings report filtered by existing or potential evergreen content:

  1. After clicking Create Report > Top Listings from the Reports page, click Posts.
  2. Select how often you want to run the report.
  3. Click Continue.
  1. Select your parameters.
  2. Click Add Filter.
  3. Click Lifecycle.
  4. Select Evergreen or Evergreen Candidate.
  5. Click Run Now.

Last updated: June 03, 2024